Monday, April 28, 2008

Blog 12

Through learning German, I have learned how another culture views my native culture. Germans tend to think that Americans are flashy and overly friendly. This is true, but it has not really been brought to my attention before. It is interesting to see the difference in opinions between Germans that have never met an American and Germans that have interacted with American culture. The ones that never met an American don't really like us, but the ones that met Americans seem to like our culture.

Since I am half German, learning about German culture has helped me understand my German identity. It has made me proud to be a German.

I have learned that there are several different German cultures: the East, West, North, and South. I wouldn't really expect a small country like German to have very different cultures within it.

Honestly, learning about German does not change my persepective on foreigners living in my country. This is probably because foreigners come from so many diverse backgrounds, you can't judge all of them based off of one culture.

1 comment:

Stefanie said...


I think it's important to see the difference in the notions of Germans that have been to America and the Germans that haven't like you do. And, in the end, it is more important that the people that come here have a good impression.
I think especially for people with German roots it is know about the country and I am glad if it is the case that this course could p you with that.hel